On May 7, the Palestinian news agency Ma’an published a leak of a new peace plan for Palestine and Israel prepared by the US government1. This plan is custom-made to Israel and does not recognize the borders that the Palestinian State had in 1967 after the Six Day War.
Among other proposals, it should be noted that the text does not contemplate the dismantling of Jewish settlements, the partition of Jerusalem, or the existence of Palestinian weapons or armies. The president of Palestine, Mahmud Abbas, already announced that the proposal is unacceptable2.
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has taken place since 1947, when the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted resolution 181, which recognized the existence of two States (Palestine and Israel) in the Palestinian territories. The Arab population of the region did not accept the resolution and from that moment, conflicts between Palestinians and Jews took place regularly and until now, as well as two wars between Arabs and Israelis3.
Despite the fact that, since then, the UN has approved numerous resolutions in favor of the two-State solution (admitted by Palestine with the pre-1967 borders), Israel continually ignores them with the support of the United States4,5, which always supports its actions for ideological and economic reasons6,7. Meanwhile, the EU remains —as in most of the global affairs— without taking pressure actions, apart from simple symbolic condemnations8,9. In addition to the conflict in itself and the insecurity that it causes, the Palestinian population impoverishes year after year as a result of the Israeli occupation and its economic policies10.
Thus, the successive resolutions of the UN and of numerous international organizations denouncing the systematic violation of international humanitarian law and the human rights of the Palestinian population11,12,13 seem to have no effect on the continuity of the application of the neocolonial and ultraconservative policies of Israel, who do not grant any truce to the Palestinian people. However, a change of direction in US policy would exert the necessary political pressure for the Palestinian cause14. Meanwhile, throughout the world, collectives and individuals contribute their grain of sand against Israeli abuses15,16, even within the country17. On the other hand, the Israeli political class does not always have it easy to apply new measures against the Palestinians18 and this can be a factor that facilitates a popular struggle19 and a collective construction in favor of the legitimate existence of a people that wants to live free20.
1 https://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=783388
2 https://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php?o=rn&id=281765&SEO=palestina-reitera-rechazo-a-acuerdo-del-siglo-de-estados-unidos
3 https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_de_las_Naciones_Unidas_para_la_partici%C3%B3n_de_Palestina
4 https://www.hispantv.com/noticias/oriente-medio/428702/israel-naciones-unidas-resolucion-palestina
5 http://www.gicj.org/conferences-meetings/upr-sessions/1320-israel%E2%80%99s-upr-2018
6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x-pht8u4KY
7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFeaG1VWe04
8 https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/04/15/actualidad/1555354253_129015.html
9 https://www.palestinalibre.org/articulo.php?a=61889
10 https://www.monitordeoriente.com/20180923-el-protocolo-de-paris-y-el-empobrecimiento-del-pueblo-palestino/
11 https://news.un.org/es/story/2011/07/1222651
12 https://news.un.org/es/story/2019/03/1453031
13 https://www.acpp.com/informe-aida-palestina/
14 https://www.palestinalibre.org/articulo.php?a=72732
15 https://kaosenlared.net/video-eurovision-los-representantes-islandeses-alzan-la-bandera-con-el-lema-palestina-libre/
16 https://boicotisrael.net/
17 https://www.elperiodico.com/es/tele/20190514/eurovision-2019-protestas-palestinas-7455222
18 https://mundo.sputniknews.com/oriente-medio/201906031087485534-abas-israel-acuerdo-siglo-eeuu/
19 https://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php?o=rn&id=272702&SEO=jordanos-protestan-contra-el-llamado-acuerdo-del-siglo
20 https://palestinalibre.org/articulo.php?a=7310
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